Post by KittyLane on Feb 20, 2007 16:15:26 GMT -5
Quaking-Grass: Agitation
Quamoclit: Busybody
Queen of the Meadow: Uselessness
Queen's Rocket: You are the queen of coquettes; Fashionable
Quince: Temptation ~R~
Ragged-robin (Lychnis): Wit
Ranunculus: You are radiant with charms; I am dazzled by your charms
Ranunculus, Garden: You are radiant with charms; You are rich in attractions
Ranunculus, Wild: Ingratitude
Raspberry: Remorse
Ray Grass: Vice
Red Bay: Memory
Red Catchfly: Youthful love
Reeds: Music, musical
Reed, Split: Indiscretion
Rest Harrow: Obstacle
Rhubarb: Advice
Rocket: Rivalry
Rose, Austrian: Thou art all that is lovely
Rose, Bridal: Happy love
Rose, Burgundy: Unconscious beauty
Rose, Cabbage: Ambassador of love
Rose, Campion: Only deserve my love
Rose, Carolina: Love is dangerous
Rose, Christmas: Tranquilize my anxiety
Rose, Cinnamon: Without pretension
Rose, Coral: Desire
Rose, Damask: Brilliant complexion; Freshness; Persian Ambassador of Love
Rose, Dark Crimson: Mourning Rose, Dark Pink: Thankfulness
Rose, Deep Red: Bashful shame;
Rose, Dog: Pleasure and pain;
Rose, Full-blown: You are beautiful
Rose, Hibiscus: Delicate beauty Rose, Inermis: Ingratitude
Rose, Lavender: Enchantment
Rose Leaf: I never trouble; You may hope
Rose, Maiden's Blush: If you love me, you will discover it
Rose, Musk: Capricious beauty
Rose, Orange: Fascination
Rose, Pale Peach: Modesty
Rose, Pale Pink: Grace; Joy
Rose, Pink: Perfect happiness, please believe me; Friendship Rose, Red: I love you; Passionate Love
Rose, Red Leaved: Wishes for Prosperity
Rose, Sweetbrier: Sympathy
Rose, Tea: Always lovely; I'll remember
Rose, Thornless: Love at first sight
Rose, White: Innocence and purity, I am worthy of you, You're heavenly, Secrecy and silence
Rose; White-dried: Death is preferable to loss of virtue Rose, White, Full: I am worthy of you
Rose, White (withered): Transient impression
Rose, White and Red together: Unity; Flower Emblem of England
Rose, Wild, Single: Simplicity
Rose, Yellow: Decrease of love; Infidelity; Unfaithfulness; Jealousy; Joy; Friendship
Rose, York and Lancaster: War
Roses, Garland of: Reward of virtue; Crown Symbol of Superior Merit
Roses, Wreath of: Reward of virtue;
Rosebay (Rhododendron): Beware; Danger
Rosebud: Confession of love; Young girl; Beauty and Joy; A Heart Innocent of Love
Rosebud, Moss: Confession of love;
Rosebud, Red: Pure and lovely; You are young and beautiful
Rosebud, White: The heart that knows not love; Girlhood; Too young to love
Roses, Bouquet of full bloom: Gratitude
Roses, Musk Cluster: Charming Roses, Single full bloom: I love you, I still love you Rosemary: Your presence revives me; Remembrance
Rudbeckia: Justice
Rue: Disdain
Rue, Wild: Manners
Rush: Docility
Rye Grass: Changeable disposition
Post by KittyLane on Feb 20, 2007 16:16:00 GMT -5
Saffron/Saffron Flower: Do not abuse; Excess is dangerous; Beware of excess
Saffron Crocus: Do not abuse me
Saffron, Meadow: My happiest days are past
Sage: Esteem; Domestic Virtue; We have a wonderful family/household
Sage, Garden: Esteem
Sainfoin: Agitation
Saint John's Wort (Hypericum): Animosity; Superstition; You are a prophet
Sardonia: Irony
Sardony: Irony
Satin-flower (Lunaria): Sincerity; Forgetfulness; Am I forgotten?
Saxifrage, Mossy: Affection
Scabious: Unfortunate love
Scabious, Sweet: Widowhood
Scarlet Lychnis: Sunbeaming eyes
Schinus: Religious enthusiasm
Scotch Fir: Elevation
Scotch Thistle: Retaliation
Scratch Weed: Roughness; Hardness, harshness
Sensitive Plant: Timidity; Modesty;Sensibility; Delicate feelings; Sensitiveness
Senvy: Indifference
Serpent Cactus: Horror; Surprise
Service Tree : Prudence
Shamrock: Light-heartedness
Shepherd's Purse: I offer you my all
Silver Weed: Naivete
Smilax: Loveliness Snakesfoot: Horror; Terror
Snake's Lounge: Slander
Snapdragon: Presumption; No, never; Deception; Gracious lady
Snowball: Bound; Thoughts of heaven
Snowdrop: Hope; Consolation, A friend in adversity
Sorrel: Wit ill-timed; Parental affection
Sorrel, Wild: Wit ill-timed
Sorrel, Wood: Joy
Southernwood: Jest; Bantering;
Spanish Jasmine: Sensuality; I think you're sexy
Spearmint: Warm feelings; Warmth of sentiment
Speedwell: Female fidelity; I remain faithful
Speedwell, Germander: Facility
Speedwell, Veronica: Female fidelity;
Spider, Ophrys: Adroitness
Spider Flower: Elope with me Spiderwort: Esteem not love; Esteem, but not love
Spiked Willow Herb: Pretension
Spindle-tree: Your charms are engraven on my heart; Your image is engraved on my heart
Spotted Arum" Ardor, great warmth
Spring Caroline: Disappointment
Star of Bethlehem: Reconciliation; Purity; Guidance
Starwort: Afterthought;
Starwort, American: Welcome to a stranger; Cheerfulness in old age
Stephanotis: Happiness in marriage, Desire to travel
Stock: Lasting beauty; Bonds of affection, Promptness; You'll always be beautiful to me
Stock, Ten-week: Promptness
Stonecrop: Tranquility
Stramonium, Common: Disguise
Straw: Agreement; United
Straw, Broken: Rupture of a contract; Quarrel, contention
Straw, Whole: Union, unity
Strawberry: Perfect excellence
Strawberry Tree (Arbutus): Esteem and love
Sumac/Sumach: Splendid misery
Sumach, Venice: Splendour; Intellectual excellence
Sunflower: False riches;
Sunflower, Dwarf: Your devout admirer; Adoration; I adore you
Sunflower, Fall: Pride
Sunflower, Tall: Lofty and wise thoughts; Haughtiness
Swallow-wort: Cure for heartache
Sweet Basil: Good wishes; I send sweet wishes
Sweet Briar : Poetry; Simplicity
Sweetbrier, American: Simplicity
Sweetbrier, European: I wound to heal
Sweetbrier, Yellow: Decrease of love; Let us forget
Sweet Flag: Fitness
Sweet Pea: A meeting; Delicate pleasures; Departure, Blissful Pleasure; Thank you for a lovely time; Goodbye
Sweet Sultan: Felicity; Happiness; Felicity; Widowhood
Sweet William: Artifice; Dexterity; Gallantry; Will you smile?
Sycamore: Curiosity
Syringa: Memory; Fraternal love
Syringa, Carolina: Disappointment
Syringia: Memory
Post by KittyLane on Feb 20, 2007 16:16:31 GMT -5
Tamarisk: Crime
Tansy: I declare against you
Tare: Vice
Teasel: Misanthropy
Tendrils of Climbing Plants: Ties
Tendrils of Plants: Ties
Thistle: Austerity; Sternness
Thistle, Common:; Austerity
Thistle, Fuller's: Misanthropy
Thistle, Scotch: Retaliation
Thorn Apple: Deceitful charms
Thorn, Black: Difficulty
Thorn, Branch of: Severity
Thorns: Severity
Thrift: Sympathy
Throatwood (Pulmonaria): Neglected beauty
Throatwort: Neglected beauty
Thyme: Activity
Tiger Flower: May pride befriend thee, For once my pride befriended me
Touch me not, Balsam: Impatience
Traveller's Joy: Safety, security
Tree of Life: Old age
Trefoil: Revenge
Tremella: Resistance
Tremella Nestoc: Opposition, resistance
Trillium Pictum: Modest beauty
Triptilion Spinosum: Be prudent
Truffle: Surprise
Trumpet Flower: Separation; Fame
Tuberose: Dangerous pleasures; Voluptuousness; Sweet voice
Tulip, General: Declaration of love; Fame; flower emblem of Holland; Perfect Lover
Tulip, Red: Declaration of love; Believe Me
Tulip Tree: Rural happiness; Fame
Tulip, Variegated: Beautiful eyes
Tulip, Yellow: Hopeless love; I am hopelessly in love; There's sunshine in your smile
Turnip: Charity
Tussilage, Sweet-scented: Justice shall be done you
Post by KittyLane on Feb 20, 2007 16:17:16 GMT -5
Valerian: Facility; Accommodating disposition
Valerian, Greek: Rapture
Valerian, Red: Readiness
Venice Sumach: Splendour; Intellectual excellence
Venus' Car: Fly with me
Venus's Flytrap: Caught at last
Venus's Looking-glass: Flattery
Venus' Trap: Deceit
Verbena: Sensibility; Sensitiveness
Verbena, Pink: Family union
Verbena, Purple: I weep for you; Regret
Verbena, White: Pray for me
Verinoca Speciosa: I dare not
Vernal Grass: Poor but happy
Veronica: Fidelity
Vervain: Enchantment
Vetch: I cling to thee; Shyness
Vine: Intoxication; Drunkenness
Violet, Blue: Faithfulness; Modesty, modest love; I will remain faithful; I'll always be true
Violet, Dame: Watchfulness; You are the queen of coquettes
Violet, Purple: You occupy my thoughts
Violet, Sweet: Modesty
Violet, White: Purity; Candor; Modesty; Innocence; Let's take a chance on happiness
Violet, Yellow: Modest worth; Rural happiness
Virginian Spiderwort: Momentary happiness
Virgin's Bower: Filial love
Viscaria Oculata: Will you dance with me?
Volkamenia: May you be happy
Post by KittyLane on Feb 20, 2007 16:17:45 GMT -5
Wall Flower: Fidelity in misfortune; Fidelity in adversity
Walnut: Intellect; Stratagem
Watcher-by-the-wayside: Never despair
Water Lily: Purity of heart
Water Melon: Bulkiness
Wax Plant: Susceptibility
Weeping Willow: Forsaken; Melancholy
Wheat: Wealth; Riches; Prosperity
Whin: Anger
White Jasmine: Amiableness
White Julienne: Despair not
White Lily: Purity and modesty
White Mullein: Good nature
White Oak: Independence
White Pink: Talent
White Poplar: Time
White Rose (dried): Death preferable to loss of innocence; Death before loss of innocence
Whortleberry: Treachery; Treason
Willow, Common: Forsaken
Willow, Creeping: Love forsaken
Willow, French: Bravery and humanity
Willow-Herb: Pretension
Willow, Water: Freedom
Willow, Weeping: Mourning
Windflower: Desertion, Forsaken
Winter Cherry: Deception
Witch Hazel: A spell is on me
Woodbine: Fraternal love
Wood Sorrel: Joy; Maternal Tenderness
Wormwood: Absence
Post by KittyLane on Feb 20, 2007 16:19:27 GMT -5
Xanthium: Rudeness; Pertinacity
Xeranthemum: Cheerfulness under adversity ~Y~
Yarrow: Cure for the heartache
Yew: Sadness; Sorrow; Penitence, repentance ~Z~
Zennae: Absent friends
Zephyr Flower: Expectation
Zinnia: I mourn your absence; Thoughts of absent friends
Zinnia, Magenta: Lasting Affection
Zinnia, Mixed: Thinking (or in memory) of an absent friend
Zinnia, Scarlet: Constancy
Zinnia, White: Goodness
Zinnia, Yellow: Daily Remembrance www.joellessacredgrove.com/language.html#g