Astrology & Numerology

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newBookmarkLockedFalling astrology
KittyLane 18 1,548 by wren
Sept 5, 2006 11:37:44 GMT -5


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Astrology & Numerology
A place to discuss Astrology & Numerology
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Blue: I visited a friend tonight and a opossum walked across my path as I went to her door....then when I came home the same thing happened but as I walked to my own door. What an interesting coincidence! I will take the advice it gives me. Oct 19, 2015 23:42:46 GMT -5
kuro: xool be sure to vist yomi Dec 13, 2015 3:29:59 GMT -5
fucked up: bleh Feb 24, 2016 22:16:53 GMT -5
please answer : do it really work Sept 2, 2016 4:10:53 GMT -5
Madi: what if you only own a gold ring? Dec 25, 2016 1:56:41 GMT -5
Kuro Tenshi: How can one prove to themself that magic is real? Apr 18, 2017 18:17:22 GMT -5
Obviously: One can prove that magic works to themselves by attempting different spells and having positive results that match up with their intention. This is how one proves anything by use of experiment. Anything other than that is simple self-delusion. Jul 1, 2017 14:01:02 GMT -5
Capricorn: Interesting... Does this thing really works? I've tried the circle but never worked for me... If this thing is true please reply back. Thanks :) Jul 26, 2017 10:37:02 GMT -5
Ding Dong: Is there a spell where I can just say it while my eye's are closed without making circles and all that? Jan 21, 2018 2:33:01 GMT -5
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